Why work for us?
At Lily Rose we recognise that the Care Industry is often disadvantaged by the negative press that it appears to attract. We are also aware that often the Care Industry appears to be a less attractive career prospect than other industries.
The Lily Rose Care Group Limited would like to contribute to and is committed to making changes to how the care industry is viewed.
We want to invest in our people because we truly believe that happy staff produce better results and better results mean happy and satisfied customers.
We want to create a culture where staff morale is high, absenteeism is low and retention levels are high.
In order to achieve our want list we have put together an attractive incentives and bonus package:
The Lily Rose Group Limited guarantees staff an annual increase in line with inflation but does not guarantee annual pay awards and we operate a bonus scheme that rewards hard work and the efforts our staff put into contributing to the success of Lily Rose.
Increases in salary will only be recommended to the Executive where there is clear evidence of sustained outstanding performance or where the staff member has taken on additional roles or responsibilities.
Training and continuous development matters to us.
All of our staff will travel through a comprehensive induction period to ensure that all staff feel competent and confident in their roles.
We believe supervision and annual appraisals aid staff to further develop and gain greater knowledge to feel happy and fully supported in their roles at Lily Rose Care Group Limited.
All our staff will have the opportunity to to gain the Care Certificate and will be guided and assessed by a fully qualified Practice Teacher of Social Work.
The Care Certificate has been mapped to:
- The Code of Conduct for Healthcare Support Workers and Adult Social Care Workers
- National Occupational Standards
- Qualification and Credit framework units
- The National Minimum Training Standards (no longer in use – superseded by the Care Certificate)
- The Common Induction Standards (no longer in use – superseded by the Care Certificate)
- Compassion in Practice (The 6Cs)
We have a commitment to succession planning and we will actively encourage staff who wish to progress their career or to enter other professions ie Social Work or Nursing etc.
If you are interested in joining us please contact us on one of the following numbers:
01782 960305
01663 308 232
6A Market Street
SK12 2AA
Office 11
Enterprise House
Burslem Enterprise Centre
Moorland Road
Stoke on Trent